Women’s empowerment means women gaining more power and control over their own lives. Women empowerment benefits the individuals, their families as well as the whole society. This social change requires the active participation of others in households, communities, and institutions.
However, in reality patriarchy prevalent in Indian society prevents women from contributing in family activities as well as national economy. Similarly, low education, lack of skills, low health status and exposure to outside world make them dependent with low respect and dignity in the family and society at large.
Praj Foundation initiated “Preventive Health care for Women” project in 2008 in 3 villages covering 250 women in Mulshi Taluka in vicinity of Matrix R& D Centre. Attaining a positive health status is the first step towards empowerment. As most of the women were Anemic and had other nutritional deficiencies. This was another reason for their minimal participation & contribution in family activities. Hence, health was chosen as an entry point and the tagline was “Food is Medicine”. All the interventions were woven around the theme.

Initially focus was given on educating the women on the preventive health practices that can be incorporated in their daily life. Interventions were simple to accept, adopt, low cost, using locally available resources at the same time had to be acceptable to her and her family members without disturbing their social texture.
Knowledge about Anatomy, appropriate lifestyle, diet & cooking practices; locally available rich sources of nutrition were shared with them. Women were encouraged to grow their own kitchen/nutrition garden through low cost and easily available techniques, like using native seeds, protecting plants using old saris and utilizing vertical space to grow climbers. To ensure sustainability, old practises which were still relevant in today’s context also were revived like use of iron vessels for cooking; use of wild vegetables during Monsoon; native seeds conservation & multiplication. Positive change in their health status led to trust & confidence for us.
Following were the major outcomes experienced by over 65-70% women:
- Frequency of illness reduced.
- Feeling of wellbeing & enhanced confidence.
- Money saved on (a) Medicines, (b) Doctor fees &(c) procuring vegetables from market.
- Overcome Anemia & Nutritional deficiencies and able to maintain Hb levels above 12 g/dl
Taking into consideration the need & success, the project was replicated in various villages in Mulshi & Velhe Taluka.
From 2015-16 the project was replicated in 10 tribal villages of Wada Block, Palghar District with 500 beneficiaries. Along with Health perspective to boost the economic independence specific activities were initiated which had two pronged benefits of health and income generation and being in and around the house it was easy for women to manage. Backyard poultry, kitchen gardens, papad & pickle making (food processing) were encouraged. Knowledge & skills regarding the same was given to them and mentoring, handholding was done to the “initiative takers”. Regular income (though not very substantial initially) made them confident and they became the ambassadors of change for others; as not all women could take the adventurous step.
Along with economic advancement personal accomplishments and social acceptance is also required to feel empowered- a ‘feeling’ of capability that comes from within. Conscious efforts were done to enhance her self-esteem and boost her confidence through recognition, appreciation and providing opportunity to exhibit her leadership qualities during the Aarogya Samwad, Wild Vegetables Mohotsav and other events. Women shared their experiences about their improved health status; economic independence and change in the attitude of family members & villagers towards her.
It has been a journey of transformation for the women- From a silent, shy, oppressed woman to an independent, confident, healthy & empowered woman.
The project is being replicated in Ambegaon Taluka, near Dimbhe Dam; Andal Maval Taluka and tribal villages in Satpuda ranges of Akkalkuva Taluka.
Till date our reach out is 2500 women (around 10,000 family members).
Our project partners:

Preventive Health Care For Women
The program, initiated in 2008 in 3 villages covering 250 women in Mulshi taluka in vicinity of Matrix R&D Centre, has spread to 12 villages in Mulshi and Velhe taluka of Pune district and 10 villages in Wada taluka of Palghar district covering 1350 women.

Mahila Melava
Programs focused on women’s health (महिला मेळावा) were organised in Mulshi, Velhe and Wada. The objective was to share knowledge and experiences about preventive health care programmes and lifestyle changes adopted by beneficiaries leading to improved health.

Safe Sanitation For Rural Secondary Schools
Praj Foundation constructed toilet blocks for boys and girls in 3 secondary schools. Awareness sessions for students and teachers on maintaining cleanliness were also undertaken. The project benefits 373 girls and 834 boys from these 3 schools.