Personal Social Responsibility (PSR) aims to positively influence and impact people and environment outside the immediate circle of our employees. Praj employees contribute their skills and time towards PSR agenda, by active involvement in various initiatives.
Various activities undertaken under PSR include
- Tree plantation
- Maintenance of trees planted
- Creating awareness in reducing pollution
- Removal of water hyacinth from river
- Painting the walls along Mutha river
- Water conservation at remote villages
- Drinking water tank cleaning at Fort Raireshwar
- School painting at Schools
- Traffic Volunteering
Tree plantation
PRAJites along with their family members planted trees at Sasewadi & Kasurdi hills near Shivapur and Mhalunge hill near Balewadi. Every year around 2000 plants were planted with survival of 80-85% plants.

Maintenance of trees planted
The Vasundhara Swachata Abhiyan (VSA) is a volunteer-led group dedicated to the conservation of trees planted on hills around Pune so as to mitigate effects of global warming.

Creating awareness in reducing pollution
The Ganesh Chaturthi festival is a major social event in Maharashtra. PRAJites are actively involved in creating awareness among citizens, who come to immerse Ganesh idol in Mula, Mutha and Pawana Rivers in Pune. PRAJites request the citizens to donate the flower offerings ( ‘Nirmalya’) so that it is not thrown in the river. This ‘Nirmalya’ is collected and used for composting. Similarly the citizens are requested to immerse the Ganesh idols in water tanks instead of river. Both these initiatives have helped in reducing pollution in the rivers.

Removal of water hyacinth from river
Every year ‘Water hyacinth’( water weed) spreads in Mula, Mutha and Pawana rivers clogging the river flow. It provides ideal breeding place for mosquitoes and hence is a threat to community health. More than 20 PRAJites are participating in this initiative since last 2 years and cleaning Pawana river in PCMC area.

Painting the walls along Mutha river
River is the lifeline of any city. Mula & Mutha rivers in Pune are very polluted and in a very bad condition. ‘Living River Foundation’ has undertaken task of cleaning the rivers and beautifying structures built along the river by involving citizens. Objective behind it was that people should get attracted towards the river so that they understand the real situation and they come forward to save the lifeline. Over 80 PRAJites participated in this initiative and painted ‘Shreemant Balasaheb Peshwa Samadhi’, located along the river. Apart from painting the area was also cleaned. Many Prajites were accompanied by their family members, especially kids. All the participants enjoyed the activity.
Vasundhara Swachata Abhiyan (VSA)

Vasundhara Swachata Abhiyan (VSA)

Vasundhara Swachata Abhiyan (VSA)

Vasundhara Swachata Abhiyan (VSA)
Water conservation at remote villages
Velhe taluka in Pune District is among the highest rain fall area. This water flows away from the slopes and cannot be conserved. Hence, drinking water shortage problem starts around January. Villagers have to fetch drinking water from far distances. One of the low cost and effective solution is to build temporary check dams using soil and prevent the flow of the stream water. This helps in ground water recharge and wells in the nearby areas get water. Also, water is available for drinking for animals in the streams. This activity is done during December & January, when the water is still in flow. Prajites have volunteered for this cause in big numbers. Over 200 Praj volunteers constructed 3 temporary check dams in remote villages Kolambi, Shendwad, & Pasli. This activity was done in partnership with Paoolwaat Foundation. “Though, it was bit tiring, it was a very satisfying activity, was the feedback of all the volunteers. Through our contribution, villagers will have drinking water till Summer. This is very satisfying. City dwellers don’t have idea of what water shortage means. Now we will definitely save water and also tell our friends, relatives to use water judiciously.” Villagers from these 3 villages have appreciated the efforts done by Praj Volunteers and thanked them for solving their drinking water problem.

Drinking water tank cleaning at Fort Raireshwar
Fort Raireshwar has a great significance in Maratha history. Shivaji maharaj at the age of 16, took oath for “Swarajya” at Fort Raireshwar. Water tank on the Fort Raireshwar is the source of water for 2 villages at the foothill. The tank was filled with silt. Volunteers from Praj did a day long activity and removed the accumulatedsilt in the tank and cleaned the surroundings. “It was a very different experience of Team Work of 20 Praj volunteers from different Departments.

School painting at Schools
Rajgad Vidyalay,Wajeghar, Velhe Taluka is a school at the foothills of Rajgad fort, is run by a private institution with limited funds. Praj employees took it upon themselves to renovate five classrooms by way of painting internal and external walls.

Traffic Volunteering
Traffic problem is faced by all of us. We witness violation of traffic rules endangering many lives. Traffic rules are not followed because of a casual and careless mind set which needs to be changed by creating awareness among the citizens through a collaborative effort. Hence, Praj volunteers came forward in creating awareness at major traffic signals in different parts of Pune city. This activity was initiated by CII along with Deepastambha Charitable Trust. Over 100 Prajites volunteered during this activity. They requested two wheeler riders to wear helmet; adhere to traffic signals & practice safe driving practices always. Volunteers realised that we also sometimes do not follow the traffic rules and how dangerous it can be for self & others.Many of our employees have gone beyond the call of duty, their daily routine and comfort, to contribute to the community. We appreciate the dedication and selflessness of these employees and encourage more to contribute their time and resources for the betterment of society.

Personal Social Responsibility (PSR) aims to positively influence and impact people and environment outside the immediate circle of our employees. Praj employees contribute their skills and time towards PSR agenda, by active involvement in various initiatives.
As a part of bio-diversity conservation, plantation on Sus Hill, Pune is regularly being nurtured by Praj employees. As part of Swachchhata Abhiyan, 5 Ganpati visarjan ghaats were adopted. 2 tonnes of ‘Nirmalya’ was collected from devotees for composting, which otherwise would have got dumped in the river.
We are proud that our employee force is sensitive regarding social issues and are willing to go out of their way to contribute to the society.
Praj employees with their families make time to support causes they believe in by actively participating in Personal Social Responsibility (PSR) initiatives. Prajites participated in over 20 PSR events during the year. The Vasundhara Swachata Abhiyan (VSA) is a volunteer-led group dedicated to the conservation of native species of trees and hills in Pune city.
Praj employees with their families frequently participate in drives at Kasurdi hill, near Pune of which more than 75% saplings have survived. Rajgad Vidyalay, a school at the foothills of Rajgad fort in the outskirts of Pune, is run by a private institution with limited funds. Praj employees took it upon themselves to renovate five classrooms by way of painting internal and external walls.
The teachers and students were highly appreciative about the initiative. The Ganesh Chaturthi festival is a major social event in Maharashtra. Praj employees areactively involved in creating awareness about installing eco-friendly Ganesha idols made of clay and at the end of the festival, immersing them responsibly in tanks so they don’t pollute rivers. Employees also volunteered to collect flowers and other articles of offering for composting and therefore, sustainable disposal.
Many of our employees have gone beyond the call of duty, their daily routine and comfort, to contribute to the community. We appreciate the dedication and selflessness of these employees and encourage more to contribute their time and resources for the betterment of society.
As a part of bio-diversity conservation, plantation on Sus Hill, Pune is regularly being nurtured by Praj employees. As part of Swachchhata Abhiyan, 5 Ganpati visarjan ghaats were adopted. 2 tonnes of ‘Nirmalya’ was collected from devotees for composting, which otherwise would have got dumped in the river.
We are proud that our employee force is sensitive regarding social issues and are willing to go out of their way to contribute to the society.
Praj employees with their families make time to support causes they believe in by actively participating in Personal Social Responsibility (PSR) initiatives. Prajites participated in over 20 PSR events during the year. The Vasundhara Swachata Abhiyan (VSA) is a volunteer-led group dedicated to the conservation of native species of trees and hills in Pune city.
Praj employees with their families frequently participate in drives at Kasurdi hill, near Pune of which more than 75% saplings have survived. Rajgad Vidyalay, a school at the foothills of Rajgad fort in the outskirts of Pune, is run by a private institution with limited funds. Praj employees took it upon themselves to renovate five classrooms by way of painting internal and external walls.
The teachers and students were highly appreciative about the initiative. The Ganesh Chaturthi festival is a major social event in Maharashtra. Praj employees areactively involved in creating awareness about installing eco-friendly Ganesha idols made of clay and at the end of the festival, immersing them responsibly in tanks so they don’t pollute rivers. Employees also volunteered to collect flowers and other articles of offering for composting and therefore, sustainable disposal.
Many of our employees have gone beyond the call of duty, their daily routine and comfort, to contribute to the community. We appreciate the dedication and selflessness of these employees and encourage more to contribute their time and resources for the betterment of society.