Solutions for Sugary Feedstocks
Praj offers end-to-end technology solutions production of ethanol from sugary feedstocks. Prime contributors for the Sugary feedstocks include viz. Sugarcane, Sorghum, Beet, Molasses. Ethanol is extracted from traditionally from C Molasses, B Molasses and Sugarcane juices using the 1G technology.
Praj provide the complete solutions including Fermentation, Distillation, Dehydration and Effluent treatment for Ethanol production economically along with minimum waste.
Praj has recently announced the innovative solution to process sugarcane juice into a new sustainable feedstock BIOSYRUP® for round the year ethanol production. Praj’s first of its’ kind patented technology for producing BIOSYRUP® was successfully demonstrated that can store Sugarcane juice in the form of BIOSYRUP® for up to 12 months. This would facilitate sugar mills to produce ethanol beyond sugar season thus helping increase production capacity & maximize revenue.
Ethanol production from bio-based sugary feedstocks provides positive socio-economic-environmental impact. Besides being environment friendly, it supports to create jobs and entrepreneurial opportunity for youth in farming community thus boosting rural economy. Foreign exchange savings by curbing imported fossil fuel and de-risking against volatile crude oil prices in global market are unique benefits. Decarbonization as well as carbon recycling help in minimizing the carbon footprint as a promising climate action.