Praj has been a trusted partner to customers around the world for more than three decades for innovative, sustainable solutions in bioenergy, high purity water solutions, critical process equipment and systems, beer manufacturing, industrial wastewater treatment systems and bio-products. We are present across 5 continents in more than 100+ countries.
Power of Seven in Colombia

Ingenio Mayaguez S.A. (250 KLPD)

Ingenio Risaralda S.A. (100 KLPD)

Incauca S.A. (300 KLPD)

Ingenio Providencia S.A. (250 KLPD)

Manuelita S.A. (250 KLPD)

Riopaila Castilla S.A. (400 KLPD)

Bioenergy S.A. (480 KLPD)

Asia Pacific
Praj is a name to reckon with in the home market of India. Besides India, South East Asia has served as a beachhead for Praj in the international market. Praj entered the South east Asian market in 1992 and the first plant of 120000 litre per day was commissioned in 1994 at Lawang, Indonesia. Praj supplied plants in Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Australia, Cambodia, Vietnam etc.
The predominant feedstock for bioethanol in this region are cassava, sugarcane molasses and juice.
Thailand implemented biofuels program successfully and phased out premium gasoline with gasohol. Philippines has mandated 10% ethanol blending, while Australia has a 2% mandate for blending. Japan imports ethanol for production of ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE - an oxygenate). Vietnam has also installed facilities for blending.

Praj has been partnering African Companies in the sugar & ethanol sector with technology, engineering and turnkey solutions for last two decades. As the awareness about ethanol, environmental concerns and the kind of profitability it can bring to the sugar mills grew across Africa, so did our experience and understanding of Africa as a continent. With 54 nations forming the African Union, one has to understand the nuances of working in each region as a separate entity and that is exactly what we have done.
With significant work in Algeria, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Turkey and Zimbabwe over last twenty years, Praj is committed to the development of African continent by way of its focus on process solutions for agri-processing, energy and environment.

South America is the land of abundant natural resources like fertile soils, water and minerals. The agrarian continent has soil-climate conditions suitable for sugarcane cultivation. This has led to the development of downstream industry of ethanol and other bioenergy and chemicals.
One of the most efficient sugar producers of the world, Colombia is also an exemplar in successful implementation of ethanol blending program in the world. Colombia's fuel ethanol program was launched in 2002 when the government passed a law mandating use of fuel ethanol in gasoline.
Praj is proud to fulfil 100% of Colombia’s fuel ethanol programme by installing ethanol production plants. These plants serve as a benchmark in the entire South American continent.
Production of first fuel ethanol plant began in October 2005 with an output of 300000 liter per day in the Cauca Region. By March 2006, four More plants in the Cauca Valley were operational with a combined capacity of 1.05 million liter per day or 357 million liter per year.
Besides Colombia, Praj has references in Argentina, Peru, Guatemala, Mexico and many other South Central American countries.
Praj serves clients in South and North America from its office in Houston, Texas.

Europe is at the forefront of fuel ethanol to mitigate climate change evils. It also offers opportunities for pharmaceutical grade of ethanol. With more than two decades, Praj has carved a space for itself in Europe.
UK’s largest fuel ethanol plant for Vivergo Fuels, with production capacity of 1.2 mn liter per day deploys Praj technology. Recenty, Praj also commissioned a vodka grade beverage alcohol plant in Poland with energy saving Ecosmart technology.
Praj works with marquee customers within Europe and has references in UK, Poland, Belgium, Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria, etc